Sept. Healthy Child event featured school gardens

Kids teamed up with a local restaurant to provide the meal; heath agencies dished on school gardens, healthy eating at school and at home. If you weren’t able to attend the Healthy Child Growing Mind workshop at Northlake in September, check out the Daily News article with some great photos and back story on Lower Columbia School Gardens.

Mint Valley Plan Approved!

Did you know that Mint Valley has a Student Leadership Council?  This team of students, along with some VERY passionate and dedicated teachers and families, have helped plan the garden at Mint Valley Elementary.  Longview School District quickly approved the plan so we are cleared for takeoff!  As soon as some money comes in, construction will begin, starting with the fence.  We have applied for a few grants and are waiting to hear back.  This garden will be unique in that all the raised beds will be placed directly on existing pavement – no muddy feet makes for happy custodians!