Looking for some good news? Look no further….
Taking advantage of a window of clear weather, we broke ground at Huntington Middle School in Kelso this Saturday, clearing a space for a new 70′ x 100′ garden.
Once again we are thankful and completely humbled by the community support. Jammie’s Environmental donated the use of the tractor and 2 expert (think “heavy equipment ninjas”) operators; Watkins
Tractor donated the use of the excavator for the day. ECS donated the silt fence. There was a great turnout of volunteers.
Huntington Garden is off to a good start with funding from Weyerhaeuser Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, as well as Huntington PTO and some private donors. Help is pledged from Kellogg Gardens (soil and amendments), 5 Rivers Construction (concrete forms), and Cowlitz Fence Co.
Kids and volunteers
are anxious to start digging. I guess I’ve been saying this for years now, but these are exciting times.
Good stuff, people.